Pet Preventive Care

At the Animal Hospital of Irvine, we focus on preventative care for your pets in Irvine, CA to address health issues before they become a problem.


Pet Preventive Care

As the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” No statement could be truer when it comes to veterinary care. The Animal Hospital of Irvine offers a comprehensive preventive program intended to keep your pet safe, healthy, and happy.

Pet Nutrition and Prescription Diets

Nutritional demands vary greatly depending on the life stage of your pet. Medical problems such as diabetes, kidney, and liver disease can complicate dietary requirements even further. In addition, obesity is a growing issue in dogs and cats. At the Animal Hospital of Irvine, our veterinary can assess the health of your pet and recommend a balanced, palatable diet that best suits your pet’s needs.

Pet Microchips

A microchip is a tiny computer chip about the size of a grain of rice that is inserted under the skin between the shoulder blades of your dog or cat. It is a safe, effective form of identification that is very useful if your pet were to ever get lost. Each chip contains a unique number that is associated with both your pet’s information and your contact information. This number is stored in a national database. Shelters and veterinary hospitals use special scanners to detect and read microchips so you can be promptly reunited with a lost pet.


Pet Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Prevention

Fleas can cause serious skin problems and allergies. Ticks can transmit many debilitating diseases. Heartworms, which are spread by infected mosquitoes, can cause severe, even fatal, damage to the heart and lungs. All of these parasites are prevalent in Southern California and can easily be prevented with the proper topical and/or oral products. The Animal Hospital of Irvine can recommend the safest, most effective preventive protocol based on your pet’s lifestyle and environment.

Pet Deworming

Your pet’s stool should be submitted for a fecal exam at least once annually. Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms are all common parasites that can cause weight loss, diarrhea, and vomiting. Roundworms and hookworms are also transmissible to humans, especially children. If parasites are present, we deworm with the appropriate medication. The Animal Hospital of Irvine also offers parasite prevention products specific to your pet’s needs.


Pet Vaccinations

Vaccines are necessary to prevent many serious, often fatal diseases. However, they are not without potential side effects. At the Animal Hospital of Irvine we follow American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) vaccination guidelines, and we customize our vaccine recommendations to each individual pet based on his/her health status, lifestyle, environment, and other risk factors.

Pet Wellness Exam

Every dog and cat should undergo a thorough physical exam at least once a year. During an exam, the veterinary evaluates your pet’s weight; inspects the eyes, ears, and oral cavity; listens to the heart and lungs; palpates the abdominal organs; assesses the coat and skin; and checks for tumors and enlarged lymph nodes. If any abnormalities are noted, the veterinary will explain the possible causes and offer recommendations for testing and treating the problem. The exam also provides an opportunity to discuss any changes in your dog’s habits and behavior.
